Smart Dog Calculators

For dogs and math lovers we built a set of useful calculators - scroll down to see them:

  • Financial calculator to save money for buying a dog (or second dog)
  • Calorie calculator to estimate daily energy needs for your dog
  • Age calculator turning dog-years into human-years


As you can imagine, these calculations give rough, "zip-code" level estimates (except, perhaps, the financial calculator). You know your dog as nobody else. Take into consideration breed, health conditions, environment factors.


We wish the best to you and your dog. Stay smart.


2019-11-13, Umka.Dog

Start saving money for a dog

1-Calculation Type
2-Future Value
3-Interest Rate
4-Lenght In Months

FV = PMT x ((1 + r) n - 1) r FutureValue Payment Rate Length

Give your dog enough calories

1-Weight Units of Measure
2-Dog Weight
3-Dog Age Stage
4-How Old?
4-Is Fixed?
5-How Active?
6-Special Requirements?

E = Coef x 70 x (Weight) 3 4 Energy Coefficient Weight

Respect your dog's age

1-Dog Years
2-And Dog Months
